Weiwuying International Music Festival: 2024 Composition Workshop/2025 Commission 衛武營國際音樂節:錄取2024年作曲工作坊、接受2025年音樂節委託創作

The Weiwuying International Music Festival (in Kaohsiung, Taiwan) has chosen me as one of two composers to be commissioned to compose a new piece for their 2025 season.  Commissioned composers are also invited to participate in the preceding year’s composer workshop with Unsuk Chin, which happens in April 2024.  This was very much “third time…Continue Reading “Weiwuying International Music Festival: 2024 Composition Workshop/2025 Commission 衛武營國際音樂節:錄取2024年作曲工作坊、接受2025年音樂節委託創作”

I’m excited to have my music featured in the C-Camerata International Festival for Contemporary Music, “Crossing Sounds”: three concerts in one day at the legendary Forum Music Taipei, with performances from the Geori Ensemble (Korea), Gunnar Berg Salzburg and C-Camerata Taipei. This is the incredible promotional video of the festival: https://tungchaoming.wixsite.com/c-camerata From the C-Camerata Website:…Continue Reading ““South of the Great Wall” 《城南荒原》quintet version premiere at C-Camerata International Festival for Contemporary Music (March ’24)”

“South of the Great Wall”- premiere at Passauer Saiten, Passau (March ’24)

Festival Link: Die Pipa: Volksmusik aus Taiwan im Spiegel unserer Zeit   Six months from conception to completion, South of the Great Wall (《城南荒原》) is one of my more ambitious works to date.  I’ve made threee different versions: a duet for soprano and guitar, a trio for sheng, pipa and ‘cello, and a quintet for the…Continue Reading ““South of the Great Wall”- premiere at Passauer Saiten, Passau (March ’24)”

《貉獠之歌》 Songs of the Raccoon Dogs (Apr. ’23)

青年歌唱家黃盈慈,青年鋼琴演奏家邱杏慈和長笛演奏家彭建翔於2023年4月13日在台北誠品表演廳,在雅歌樂集合唱團 「春暖花開歌先知」的音樂會中首演了我專門為他們創作的《貉獠之歌》(福佬歌謠改編 ),首演圓滿成功。黃盈慈對歌詞中不同角色與情緒的轉換、畫面轉折和戲劇性效果的詮釋都很生動。我從觀眾席裡聽著可以感覺到觀眾真的很欣賞我的音樂! 我改編的歌曲如下: (一)《五更鼓》 (二)《草蜢弄雞公》 (三)《留傘調》 (四)《一隻鳥仔哮啾啾》 請滑到最下面,就可以閱讀歌詞。       《貉獠之歌》:福佬歌謠改編 歌詞 (一)《五更鼓》 (僅第一、第五段) 一更的更鼓月照山 牽君仔的手摸心肝 阿君問娘欲按怎 隨在阿君的心肝 五更的更鼓天漸光 我君啊要轉心頭酸 滿腹心情漸漸悶 頭暈目眩面青青 (二)《草蜢弄雞公》 (僅第一到第四段) 人生六十伊都像古樹 無疑食老伊都愈健丟 看著小娘伊都面肉幼 害我學人伊都老風流 啊伊都那噯唷啊伊都老風流 草蜢弄雞公 啊 雞公披搏跳 老人食老伊都性愛守 毋通變成伊都老不修 若是愛我伊都做朋友 可惜你是伊都長喙鬚 啊伊都那噯唷啊伊都長喙鬚 草蜢弄雞公 啊 雞公披搏跳 嫌我喙鬚伊都歹看樣 我著來剔伊都光溜溜 你著交我伊都卡永久 少年僥雄伊都無尾溜 啊伊都那噯唷啊伊都無尾溜 草蜢弄雞公 啊 雞公披搏跳 少年阿兄伊都人清秀 做陣一對伊都像鴛鴦 講話散步伊都好遊賞 配著老兄伊都心帶憂 啊伊都那噯唷啊伊都心帶憂…Continue Reading “《貉獠之歌》 Songs of the Raccoon Dogs (Apr. ’23)”

C-Camerata Taipei commission/conducting (early ’24)

The extraordinary (and, in terms of the Taiwanese contemporary music scene, extraordinarily important) C-Camerata Taipei have commissioned me to compose a new fifteen minute work for them, for soprano, guitar, sheng, pipa and ‘cello.  A reduced version for trio of sheng, pipa and ‘cello will first be premiered in a concert titled Die Pipa: Volksmusik…Continue Reading “C-Camerata Taipei commission/conducting (early ’24)”

Taichung Chamber Choir commission: first rehearsals of sketches (2022.3-4)

I’m excited to be working with the prize-winning Taichung Chamber Choir and their charismatic conductor I-Chen Yang to compose a new piece for her multimedia choral programme 「原粹」(yuan cui), which translates directly as something like “original” or “pure”– though perhaps “original essence” expresses best the atmosphere of this interesting performance.  I-Chen Yang has invited me…Continue Reading “Taichung Chamber Choir commission: first rehearsals of sketches (2022.3-4)”

「Felix namque」的吉他創作項目:由吉他演奏家Sam Cave委約的新獨奏作品“bountiful”(《穰穰》)已完成(2022年)

吉他演奏家Sam Cave有委約我為他的新的CD以及音樂會項目「Felix namque」創作一部新獨奏作品。本項目的主題圍繞著15、16世紀英國作曲家常用的體裁,叫做“Felix namque”。這種鍵盤作品,像更知名的體裁「In nomine」一樣,是基於Felix namque es的聖詠之複音音樂作品。我很榮幸可以跟Michael Finnissy、Christopher Fox、John Croft以及其他作曲家一起參與本次項目。 有關「Felix namque」,Sam Cave有寫過: “This project aims to create eclectic and contemporary responses to the English tradition of composing ‘Felix Namques’ by commissioning a range of composers to write new works for solo guitar.  These works will engage with the plainsong source material, Felix namque es,…Continue Reading “「Felix namque」的吉他創作項目:由吉他演奏家Sam Cave委約的新獨奏作品“bountiful”(《穰穰》)已完成(2022年)”