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「跨響」-台北中央C國際當代音樂節:照片與媒體 C-Camerata International Festival for Contemporary Music “Crossing Sounds”: photos and media (March ’24)

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On March 30th 2024, I was honoured to participate in the C-Camerata International Festival for Contemporary Music, “Crossing Sounds”, both as a composer and a conductor.  As the sole conductor for the festival, I had the chance to rehearse and conduct four world premieres, including my new work South of the Great Wall.  The other works which I premiered were Chao Ming Tung’s Behind the Sounds II for large chamber ensemble of Western and Chinese instruments, Ling Huei Tsai’s octet for Korean, Chinese and Western instruments, Chin Throughts XIII (Rain or Shine), and Sooyoun Lee’s Internal Waves.

Chao Ming Tung’s Behind the Sounds II


Ling Huei Tsai’s Chin Throughts XIII (Rain or Shine)


Sooyoun Lee’s Internal Waves



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