Weiwuying International Music Festival: 2024 Composition Workshop/2025 Commission 衛武營國際音樂節:錄取2024年作曲工作坊、接受2025年音樂節委託創作

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The Weiwuying International Music Festival (in Kaohsiung, Taiwan) has chosen me as one of two composers to be commissioned to compose a new piece for their 2025 season.  Commissioned composers are also invited to participate in the preceding year’s composer workshop with Unsuk Chin, which happens in April 2024.  This was very much “third time lucky” for me, so I’m particularly happy to have been selected on what was probably my last opportunity before I’m too old to participate!  Congratulations also to the fascinating composer Po Chien Liu for being commissioned by the festival.


2024年作曲工作坊暨2025年作曲家甄選計畫 入選名單