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⟪機械中的幽靈⟫:記者評論、面談 “Ghost in the Machine”: Press Review and Interview (April ’24)

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Xu Yun-feng from the Taiwan Performing Arts Review wrote a review of my concert, and his insights were remarkable. In the final paragraph, he suggested that “cross-disciplinary” approaches might help “novices to modern music” find ways to appreciate it, which is an interesting idea.

Today, I also had the chance to meet Yunfeng in person and hear him share his thoughts about the concert. We discovered that there were many topics to discuss, and our originally scheduled hour and a half turned into three hours of extensive discussions covering music, society, education, career management for musicians, and the broader music market.


You can read his review here (currently only available in Mandarin):

Review of “Ghost in the Machine” “機械中的幽靈”之樂評

You can hear our conversation here (in Mandarin):


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