⟪機械中的幽靈⟫:媒體、照片 “Ghost in the Machine”: Recordings, Photos (April ’24)

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I put on my composer portrait, Ghost in the Machine, on 9th April 2024 in the National Recital Hall in Taipei, Taiwan, in collaboration with Taiwan’s leading contemporary music ensemble, TimeArt Studio.  Over the course of three weeks in June, I premiered all five of the pieces from the concert on YouTube; the audio and video recordings were the expert work of Wu Dong-Yan.  You can find the links to all five pieces below, along with photographs from the dress rehearsal and concert.   

(for related posts scroll to the bottom)



Druskininkanonas (2011; 2024 version for oboe, Eb clarinet, viola, alto flute and bassoon)
⟪德魯斯基寧卡農⟫ (2011,2024年為雙簧管、降E調單簧管、中提琴、中音長笛和低音管而作的版本)

Or just listen to the audio on my bandcamp page.


Novella (2017, corr.2019) for ‘cello and piano)《空城故事(第一篇)》為大提琴與鋼琴而作

Or just listen to the audio on my bandcamp page.


Metastable (2019) for string quartet⟪亞穩態⟫(2019) 為弦樂四重奏而作

Or just listen to the audio on my bandcamp page.


Crystal Images II (2018) for septet《晶影(二)》為七位演奏家而作 (conducted by the composer)

Or just listen to the audio on my bandcamp page.


Mosaic V (2016-2021) for chamber orchestra《鑲嵌(五)》為室內交響樂隊而作 (conducted by the composer)

Or just listen to the audio on my bandcamp page.


Some photos from the dress rehearsal and performance:


Related Posts:

⟪機械中的幽靈⟫:記者評論、面談 “Ghost in the Machine”: Press Review and Interview (April ’24)

⟪機械中的幽靈⟫盧長劍作曲家肖像⾳樂會 “Ghost in the Machine”: George Holloway Composer Portrait Concert (April 9 2024)

“Ghost in the Machine”: Composer Portrait Concert in National Recital Hall (9th April ’24)