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TimeArt Studio Premiere of “Walking by Willow Creek” at Tunghai University 時間藝術工作室:《漫步柳川》在東海大學之首演 2022.9.18

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I had a wonderful time with everyone at the TimeArt Studio, who premiered my piece (with me conducting) at Tunghai University in September.  The performance had the added dramatic tension of knowing that just as the previous piece was ending, Taiwan experienced a sizeable earthquake that caused all the lighting rig and furniture to rattle!  Fortunately there were no more tremors, and the premiere proceeded smoothly.  Walking by Willow Creek is a complex piece in terms of rhythmic layers, and it was tough for us to put together in such a short amount of time, but we did it and I’m delighted by the result.

我跟時間藝術工作室的大家過得非常好。他們九月在東海大學剛剛首演完我的作品(包括我在指揮)。表演增加了戲劇性的張力,因為我們知道就在上一首曲子即將結束時,台灣經歷了一場大地震,導致所有的照明設備和家具都嘎嘎作響! 好在沒有再震顫,首演順利進行。 就節奏層次而言,《漫步柳川》是一部很複雜的作品,我們很難在這麼短的時間內拼湊起來,但我們做到了,我對結果感到很高興。


Thank you to TimeArt Studio for enabling my first performance of an original composition of mine in Taiwan since I moved here in 2019.  Please do check out TimeArt Studio’s website.  They are astonishly active and are a great force for good in the Taiwanese music scene.

感謝時間藝術工作室讓我在 2019 年搬到台灣後首次在台灣演出我的原創作品。請務必查看 TimeArt Studio 的網站。 他們出奇地活躍,是台灣音樂界的一股向善的力量。

Do please take a look at the video of the performance below:



Premiere of “Walking by Willow Creek” at Tunghai University–Time Art Studio “Forgotten Voices” 2022 《漫步柳川》在東海大學的首演:「傳統與現在從我開始」2022年時間藝術工作室青年作曲家作品首演音樂會