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Premiere of “Walking by Willow Creek” at Tunghai University–Time Art Studio “Forgotten Voices” 2022 《漫步柳川》在東海大學的首演:「傳統與現在從我開始」2022年時間藝術工作室青年作曲家作品首演音樂會

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Forgotten Voices


I am very much looking forward to the premiere of my trio for Guzheng, Sheng and Pipa “Walking by Willow Creek” on 18th September at Tunghai University.  Friends in Taichung (and further afield) are welcome to come and listen to the energetic musicians of TimeArt Studio!
2022 TimeArt Academy
▌時間:2022/09/18 (日)14:30
▌票價:300 元
2022時間藝術學院以「傳統與現在,從我開始」為題,舉辦國際創作暨讀譜工作坊,邀請尹恩惠(Eunhye Yoon)、盧長劍(George Holloway)、戴向諶(Immanuel Dannenbring)、林宜徵(LIN Yi-cheng)、彭振町(PANG Chun-ting)、簡宇君(CHIEN Yu-chun)、卓越(ZHUO Yue)等七位國內外青年作曲家,探尋各自的傳統音樂文化,從傳統音樂中特有的節奏、音階、音色、聲響等元素中,找尋創作的原動力。經過審慎的學習與充分的內化後,轉化為室內樂創作的嶄新思維。
1. 簡宇君《interTwined》給箏與擊樂
CHIEN Yu-chun, interTwined for two players playing the Zheng and Percussion
2. 盧長劍《漫步柳川》給笙、箏與琵琶
George Holloway, Walking by Willow Creek for Sheng, Zheng and Pipa
3. 尹恩惠《痕跡》給長笛、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴
Eunhye Yoon, Sillage for Flute, Violin, Cello and Piano
4. 林宜徵《來自異次元的聲音地圖》給長笛、單簧管、擊樂、箏與電聲
LIN Yi-cheng, OWt’s World for Flute, Clarinet, Percussion and electronics
5. 卓越《艷陽之下…》給短笛、笙、琵琶、中提琴與擊樂
ZHUO Yue, under the Sun… for Piccolo, Sheng, Pipa, Viola and Percussion
6. 彭振町《絳》給單簧管、擊樂、鋼琴、中提琴、大提琴、笙與箏
PANG Chun-ting, Gong for Clarinet, Percussion, Piano, Viola, Cello, Sheng and Zheng
7. 戴向諶《文盲的自在》給笙、長笛、單簧管、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴與擊樂
Immanuel Dannenbring, Illiterate Comfort for Sheng, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello and Percussion