“Fantasia” for accordion and violin, world premiere at Central Conservatory of Music 6th June 2018

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcwNDg4OTM2MA==.html I met the precocious and astonishing Tian Jianan in 2012, and in 2013 wrote this little piece for her, Fantasia, which I’m very happy can finally receive its premiere in her Master’s Final Recital at the Central Conservatory of Music on Sunday 6th June 2018.  Below is some information about Tian Jia Nan for Chinese…Continue Reading ““Fantasia” for accordion and violin, world premiere at Central Conservatory of Music 6th June 2018”

Vincenz und Greta (2012-14) for 8 accordions

For Eight Accordions, spatially arranged around the audience. I wrote this piece between Jan 2012 and March 2014, in honour of my friend Nicolai Leski’s two children, Vincenz and Greta. The players are ranged around the audience in 8 evenly distributed positions, the aim being that opposing performers can “transmit” the sound from one side…Continue Reading “Vincenz und Greta (2012-14) for 8 accordions”