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Ondas (2006-7) for solo soprano

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My programme note on this piece from 2012:

Ondas (“Waves”) sets a love poem by Federico Garcia Lorca.  I was interested in the image of the “concentric waves” which the speaker says are like the waves in his heart when his beloved speaks.  I wrote a sort of circular melody (the same melody, in fact appears in For No One, To No One), which weaves around a hexachord before arriving back at its starting-note.  As the poem continues, the melody expands and ranges more widely—from a low f-sharp to a top B in fact— like, perhaps, the expansion of the waves?

Lucy Williams premiered this piece in a lunchtime concert at St Michael’s Church, Southampton, 24th February 2009, later singing it (twice?) in Manchester, and once again in Southampton at my “Music for Voices” composer portrait concert in 2012.  Danae Eleni sang it wonderfully at my other composer portrait concert in 2012 (in Turner Sims concert hall) as well as on later occasions.

The bandcamp link contains Lucy’s ’09 and ’12 versions (I’m not sure which of the ’09 performances that is), as well as Danae’s ’12 performance.

And here’s the youtube video of Danae Eleni’s performance in Turner Sims in ’12: