Human-AI Co-Creation project update (Aug ’23)

[To hear one of Chen Yu-Han’s complete recordings of my solo work “Hook” please go to my bandcamp page here.  More recordings, including fragments and improvisations, to follow!] In the last year and half I’ve been looking into approaches to human-AI co-creation, working in particular with Glasgow-based scientist Lex O’Brien.  They have been helping me…Continue Reading “Human-AI Co-Creation project update (Aug ’23)”

人工智慧與作曲的研究項目(音樂與科技的研究與實踐中心 2022年1月參觀)AI in Musical Composition Research Project: visit to PRiSM research centre (Jan.’22)

藉由南華大學研發處的資助,本人已開始進行新的專題研究:“人工智慧作為作曲的輔助工具以及靈感的來源:探索機器學習的風格轉移在音樂創作中的運用之潛力”。 Supported by funding from the Nanhua University Research and Development Office, I’ve begun a new research project: “AI as a compositional aid and a source of inspiration: exploring the potential application of machine learning style transfer to musical creativity”. 我2022年1月應研究中心總監Emily Howard的邀請曾參觀英國皇家北英格蘭音樂學院的音樂與科技研究與實踐中心(PRiSM)。我在研究中心裡有機會了解到他們令人贊嘆的超級電腦「PRiSM sample RNN」的功能,並與學者討論它在輔助作曲上的可能性。我們有討論我初步的研究方向,並規劃進一步的討論。 In January 2022 I was invited by Emily Howard, director of…Continue Reading “人工智慧與作曲的研究項目(音樂與科技的研究與實踐中心 2022年1月參觀)AI in Musical Composition Research Project: visit to PRiSM research centre (Jan.’22)”