I finally got hold of the physical copy of the Journal of Arts and Design (published by Nanhua University) that published my article on my string quartet Metastable. Previous posts on Metastable and the “Metastable Impressions” project: METASTABLE IMPRESSIONS: DOCUMENTARY, AND JOURNAL PUBLICATION (MARCH 2020) LIGETI QUARTET PERFORM “METASTABLE” AT BRISTOL UNIVERSITY (METASTABLE IMPRESSIONS PROJECT, MAY 2019)…Continue Reading “Journal Article Published (read it below)”

I’m delighted with Melissa Bishop’s short edit of her documentary on the Metastable Impressions project from May 2019:   I’m also very excited by the recent news that my creative report on the project is to be published by the Nanhua University Journal of Art and Design (more anon on that topic).   Read our…Continue Reading “Metastable Impressions: documentary, and journal publication (March 2020)”

Ligeti Quartet perform “Metastable” at Bristol University (Metastable Impressions Project, May 2019)

On 28th May 2019 the renowned Ligeti Quartet premiered my work for string quartet, Metastable.  This piece was my contribution to the Metastable Impressions project.  You can read about the background to the project here: Collaboration with Ligeti Quartet (Bristol University Jean Golding Institute Seed Corn Award): “Metastable Impressions”   Read the team’s brilliantly detailed blogpost below…Continue Reading “Ligeti Quartet perform “Metastable” at Bristol University (Metastable Impressions Project, May 2019)”

In January 2018, Tianjin International TV made a documentary about my life and work as composer, conductor and teacher in Tianjin. 在中国的朋友们,欢迎你们打开以下的链接观看天津国际频道Hello!天津的纪录片: http://tv.cntv.cn/video/VSET100183082927/35c76b659ddb4ad294aa3d03e454801f?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 The full documentary: I’ve made a shorter edited version: Unfortunately it’s in Chinese!  Apologies to my non-Chinese-speaking friends, but I encourage you to take a look anyway, as it’s beautifully shot!